Mississippi Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
An Independent Affiliate of the Jump$tart Coalition
The Mississippi Jump$tart Coalition is an independent affiliate of the national Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. The national Jump$tart Coalition is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1995, the coalition includes more than 100 national partners and a network of 51 state affiliates that share a commitment to #afinlitfuture and to working collaboratively toward common goals.
About Us
The Mississippi Jump$tart Coalition seeks to improve the personal financial literacy of all Mississippians and focuses on the state’s youth by promoting the teaching of personal finance skills so that individuals can make informed responsible financial decisions.
Working together we can improve the financial literacy of Mississippi’s youth.
If you’re involved with or concerned about students learning how to handle money successfully – you’ve come to the right place.
The MS Jump$tart Coalition is a non-profit organization with individuals and organizations representing business, government and education who have joined together to improve the personal financial literacy of Mississippi ‘s youth.
Jump$tart Coalition’s goals:
- Raise public awareness of need for financial literacy.
- Enhance professional development in financial literacy.
- Assist others in the promotion and delivery of financial literacy efforts.
VISION STATEMENT: Empower youth to make informed financial decisions.
VALUES STATEMENT: All youth deserve the knowledge necessary to achieve economic success.
ACTIVITIES STATEMENT: Promote awareness, provide resources, and conduct training for our stakeholders.
- Raise public awareness of the need for financial literacy.
- Enhance professional development in financial literacy.
- Assist others in the promotion and delivery of financial literacy efforts.

Selena Swartzfager
President, Board of Directors
Mississippi Council on Economic Education, President
The Mississippi Jump$tart Coalition has formed the following committees in order to achieve its goals.
Education Outreach Committee
Fundraising Committee: Coordination of specific events: April – Financial Literacy Month, National Education Week, Career Days, Money Matters Workshops
Visibility & Branding Committee: Primary focus will be grant writing and fundraising.

Get Involved
There are many ways that organizations or individuals can become involved with the coalition.
Join the Coalition! If your organization or you as an individual are actively engaged in promoting personal financial literacy amongst youth, we invite you to become a member.
Support the Coalition! The MS Jump$tart Coalition is a charitable 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization . As such, in-kind donations such as the printing of promotional materials or hosting of meetings and events are greatly appreciated. The Coalition also welcomes monetary contributions. For more information on making a donation to the MS Jump$tart Coalition, please contact Tawnya Crockett at Turn on JavaScript!.
Make a difference locally! Organizations and individuals can make a great impact at the local level. Here are just a few ways that you can make a difference:
- Financial Institutions: Volunteer to work with a local school or district to provide classroom presentations or teacher support.
- Educators: Incorporate personal finance within your curriculum. Personal finance has been taught successfully to students of all ages and within many core and elective subjects. For more resources, go to the Jump$tart Clearinghouse and search according to your grade and subject matter.
- Policy Makers: Consider ways to incorporate personal finance education into your school’s curriculum and teacher professional development programs.
- Parents: Begin teaching your child about personal finance at a young age and continue to reinforce these skills. See the Links section or visit the Clearinghouse for more ideas on teaching your child about personal finance matters.
The following organizations and individuals are members of the Mississippi Jump$tart Coalition.
Mississippi State University Extension Services
Trustmark National Bank
Mississippi Development Authority
Money Management International
Mississippi Council on Economic Education
The First Bank
Millsaps College